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Monday, October 27, 2014

Teaching Us About Pride, Forgiveness, and Faith

Elder Chamberlain with his companion Elder Viloria who was trained in the Columbian military (whoa!)
First Zone Conference for Elder Chamberlain.  He is in the back row, 6th from the right.
Elder Bleak is on the right and his sister is serving a mission in our ward in  Gilbert, AZ.
Hey Mom -

Just to answer really quickly, I didn't get your package but I do get yours and dad's letters! President told me in an interview that I'll probably be in my same area till February or so. So that's another 2 transfers.

Mom, I am so sorry you have sisters/families struggling in the ward.  I wish I knew everything...Life would be soo much easier haha. But I know a couple of things that you and dad taught me and that I've learned in my time out here. Some of them are things you and I already know but sometimes we need to RE-remember them and say, oh ya God promised those that do this, this or that blessing (etc).

Something that I learned from a general authority Elder Vineas to Hermana Goates when I was in their house was that pride is one of the things that usually gets to us. When people have pride in their hearts they forget the atonement. When people have a much more clear understanding of the atonement and realize that God sent his absolutely perfect son with no sins to die for those that had many...and yet he forgave us. Or the fact that we should be sooo grateful and just forget about problems that can make us mad or prideful and just say, you know what it doesn't matter. When we learn how to forgive more easily we have more humility...and the pride meter goes down...

There was not ONE reason that God needed to forgive us. Try and see this in this perspective. He had NOTHING that made it easier for him to forgive us, but yet he still forgave us. If people can think more like that and just move on from the past and try better tomorrow, life will be better for EVERYONE! I can promise that mom. I know that's true.  I don't know for exact reasons why you're the RS President, only that you're amazing, beautiful, hardworking, kind, humble, basically perfect, but in all seriousness, I don't know why---But I know God knows. 

This is where you can grow the most mom. I read a scripture that really helped me but I am soo bad with references.  I'm going to explain it to you.

When we have faith that God will help us do whatever he commands, we will ALWAYS be able and have the strength and energy to do it. Physically and spiritually. I pray everyday for the physical/spiritual/emotional strength to walk basically all over and still workout in the mornings and nights and read and talk to people, sometimes the same people over and over and over about the same problems and watch them cry over and over and over, but I'll always be there for them like my Savior has for me. No matter how many times they mess up.

I want to invite you to specifically pray for guidance, as well as the strength, energy, and power physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I pray and HAVE FAITH( you do this plzz:) ) that I will receive these things if I do so through prayer.

Anyway Ma this is what I have to tell you.  I hope this helps.  I know God is near, and I know we have those that were before us....and after us helping us. I've felt that here in the mission on nights where I was soo emotionally exhausted with the fact of being here for 2 years and why I had to sacrifice such a really really nice life back in AZ. But that's because I love the Lord and know he'll bless me and those I love.

Love ya tons ma and THANKS for the pics as always!! I love the trees and the Phoenix temple looks soooo amazing!! The Argentina Cordoba temple should be done before the next conference I heard but am not sure! I love ya!

Your missionary son,

Elder Kohler Chamberlain:)

Dear Dad -

Ya dad  I didn't realize but none of the homes or churches have AC. I was always just like ok I guess this is normal here but I don't sleep in my sleeping bag anymore so it's just my sheets. I've tried doing the same thing with the freezer too! It's just really small and only for ice packs so I can't really stick my head in! haha  Oh gosh dad we had worms from rotten food in the bottom of the trash can...!!! My comps aren't the cleanest people and they just throw eggs, meat, food in general in the trash without a liner and let it overfill till literally food is falling on the was sooo disgusting!! Man Saturday sounded like a lot of fun!!

Hey by the way how much money s on that personal card I have? I ran out of money and have been using it for food this last week. I pay about 30-40 US dollars every week for food and sometimes soap and other things to clean my garments at home. The Argentine peso is roughly like 10 to 1 dollar. I'm not sure but you can keep a good check up on that.  I just really want to take Elder Ruiz out to dinner because he is having a hard time with his companion and he doesn't have a lot of money to do things like that.

Dad I'm working soo hard and ya in this heat too!! We come home and we're literally drenched and it's kinda humid here too. We have two fans for the four of us and that's it. But I've found ways to get around.  I'll be fine and I've been doing it:) Noooo worries. But ya I'm teaching this guy in English!  He actually speaks pretty good cuz he lived in New York for 8 years then came back cuz his mom almost died of cancer. His name is Dario and has a wife with 2 little girls but lives alone in a small cement house (All the houses here are made out of cement cuz it's pretty poor but I think that's pretty popular here in Argentina) cuz he drinks and smokes too much. He's gotten in a lot of bar fights and has gone to jail several times but he has a sincere desire to change so I'm going to bring him a Book of Mormon tomorrow hopefully if he's there. He works all days cuz hes trying to sell fruit on the streets...He can make it with God haha.

Anyway we have more people like Dario and a lot of good things are happening here as well as bad/non progressing but it's ok cuz I'm only trying and that's fine. I feel bad for them but I'm not going to die.

I'm glad YOU and the fam are doing good dad! Always have humility and patience! Continue to pray for that all the time! Remember the humble and slow tortoise that beat the fast and arrogant rabbit? Ya you're the tortoise and I'm the tortoise cuz we will ALWAYS win when we have HUMILITY!! You're freakin awesome dad and I love you soo much!! Keep being the awesome person you are!! I look up to you sooo much!!

Love your son,

Elder Kohler Chamberlain

Monday, October 20, 2014

Allergies and Kenny G

So this week was a good one! We got to teach A LOT of lessons but it's starting to get super hot here! One of the days the wind really picked up too so that was nice but then it was replaced with my super bad allergies.  I went to the farmacia and got some stuff that would help. Apparently the drugs this girl gave me were super strong tho cuz I took one right after and seriously was sooo tired. I was like "ah freak--- vamos!" I can do this. Why am I sooo tired in the middle of a lesson??  Then the family we were teaching asked me if I was super tired and  I told them that I took two of these pills I had bought.  They told me that I should only take those at night and that they are SUPER powerful! I don't know why they needed to be that strong but they just were? LOL  Sometimes I'm really confused with how things go here haha but it's whatever!

We sang to a couple families this week and that was fun! I got to sing a verse in english for families can be together forever and they really likied that haha. They think people that can speak english is the coolest thing ever.
When I speak a little bit to my comp in front of people on the bus everybody just stares at me. They have absolutely no idea what I'm saying. Maybe it's the same in Spanish haha. My spanish is coming along but ya it's another language so I know it's going to take more time.

We also taught German and his family about faith and more on prayer. After, they fed us facturas which are almost like danishes? And we listened to Eminem on their phones haha.  It was a lot of fun. They're progressing but I want to push it a little faster.

So the Leon family! They love music! Sister Leon loves Kenny G and played it while we had lunch with them! I felt like it was christmas and I was with dad while putting on some Kenny G haha. It was weird...The dad is literally one of those crazy guitarists that's basically professional and plays super fast! It's like the latino songs dad would play literally haha.
They're all super good at singing I found out cause after lunch they turned on a bunch of disney songs( in spanish obviously) and they started singing. Then they were telling me to come in so I did with my comp haha. It was actually a lot of fun! They had the lyrics up on their computer and everything!

Anyway I can't send pics on my camera because it's too new. Maybe sometime soon or I'll just buy another camera here.  I love you tons mom and I'm doing super well! That's sooo funny about Hailey with the song ahaha. I can totally imagine that. When does Jordan and Tristan leave on their missions??

I love you tons mom and dad!! Sorry if I don't always respond to everything-- my comp is being dumb and wants to go get food but I tell him family is un poco mas importante que comida chavon....whatever..

Love and miss you all! Hope everybody is doing good!

Elder Kohler Chamberlain

Monday, October 13, 2014

Vandalism in the Church but Things Are Great

Hey Everyone -  I had another great week!
Dad how tall is Spencer??  Wow------Man it looks like you guys had a ton of fun in San Francisco!

Ya we've been teaching a lot. One story we had and sorry I don't have a lot of time cuz today is a holiday and they're gonna close this place in a little bit. We taught this family whose wife's husband had died just a year earlier. She had already known about the plan of salvation but she was soo happy that we were there. She has a severe problem with walking so she can't really go to church. I had to help her just to sit down! But we're thinking about possibly us or others taking the sacrament to her every Sunday.

Oh ya this last Sunday-- Dad our entire church and specifically the chapel were completely THRASHED!! The pulpit, benches cut up, sacrament table, doors, windows, primary classes and other pictures of Christ completely thrashed and spray painted...I didn't see it all cuz the police were getting finger prints and they'll find them soon which I'm a little scared if they do find them cuz I don't want some angry mobbers lookin for some nice missionaries ha ha!....but anyway we went to another chapel in Trapiche, Godoy Cruz which was about 6 miles away and ya we walked... We honestly walk soo much. But it's all good cuz I know it's helping me burn off the bad food we eat here ha ha!

Mom, how's your calling going?  I have specific things that I pray for consistently every night and one of those is that you'll have the spirit  to direct and lead the women of our ward. I hope that's happening haha.

YA Maybe I can watch Meet the Mormons if I find it! There's a ton of pirated movies being sold on the streets and a bunch are american movies! Maybe I might see it?

And mom don't feel bad cuz I actually have natural gas in my pench (apartment) again! Soo I've got hot showers!! It's was only for about 2 weeks or soo.

We're teaching a lot of people but sometimes I get mad cuz there are a ton....a TON of people that literally think they know just about everything and they're teaching us. I've actually found that I'm very patient and humble with others Mom and sooo that has been such a huge blessing in my life right now. 

Hey btw I'm in Estanzuela Godoy Cruz. Godoy cruz is the province in Mendoza and Estanzuela is just the area. It's very far west of centro Mendoza cuz I'm the city right by the Andes mountains. Barrio Estanzuela Godoy Cruz. Can you find out where I sleep too? If you do take snapshots on the computer and send them to me if you want:)

Everything is good Mom. I'm coming sooo close to God and literally feel his love for me. I know that whatever happens in my lfie he won't forsake me as his missionary and his child. He will help guide me and only that to have the best life I can have.
Suzy sent me this super cool package of letters like Kelsey did! By the way tell Kelsey I have opened up several of her letters and I read them over again when I need too. The worst for me is just that I really have nobody to speak English with. I live with latinos and am always with latinos. The only americans are the prez and his wife which I rarely see obviously, and other missionaries. Theres a couple of senior american missionaries that I saw at conference but that's it. I feel lonely sometimes but its all good cuz I just workout or read the scriptures. Plus Elder Tirado is cool and he makes this really fun for me with ihis music and all.

OH MY GOSH you have to look up this song.

The song is called   "Cuidado con la bomba" it literally means careful with the bomb.  It's so funny.  I don't know what chita means but I sing it with them sometimes ahaha -- Alex Boye, that black singer which all the latinos apparently really like a lot, is another one my comps like to listen to.

Anyway sooo I'm almost at 4 months which is kinda cool and crazy to think about haha! I promise you I don't think about the time a lot but it's just cool that its starting to pick up a lil' faster:)

Much love mama:)

Y por la manera, Estoy pensando sobre que yo debo dar a ustedes para navidad. No se todivia pero lo hare...yo espero...jaja


Dad I love the photos as always!! MOM LOOKS SOO GOOD TELL HER THAT!! 

I'm sooo sad to hear that about sister Lloyd! But to be honest I know she is in a better place right now and she's not suffering from all of those things she needs to just stay alive.

Soo conference was soooo cool!! They had the gringo room but I actually went to the offices with the AP's so there were only like 8 people with SETH SCOTT!!  So good to see him!  He's gained a lot of weight though and only been out like 8 months . . .

We watched Conference the same time but we started priesthood at 9 at night. We watched every session and they were all soo good! I love Elder Holland as always!! Such a direct and super smart guy. You can't help but feel like what he's saying is just right.  He speaks with a lot of confidence and power. There were a TON of people in the stake center!! Many members!! About 3-400 or soo!! I was really happy!! More soo for the Sunday sessions tho.

So we're still just doing a lot of teaching and a lot of appts. We're going to invite 4 people to be baptized this month. I feel it a lil pushy but My comp doesn't think so, so I'm going with him.

Oh my gosh that sounds fun being at grandmas house! Send me a bunch of photos when you guys are doing fun things that we'd always do!! 

Love you sooo much dad and I want you to know that I'm learning lots! God is protecting me and blessing me with the most AMAZING things in my life. 

Love ya tons Pops!

Mom!!! And Dad...!! haha I love you both sooo much!! Im sorry for the mix up I try to hurry and my comp is really dumb about the time because apparently he thinks playing soccer and eating is more important. Idk... but I honestly dont care about him. Hes super strict but loves to wokr hard which is cool. He jsut trys to be perfect and its pretty annoying but Ive worked with him a lot. He just kinda getsd offended cuz hes my "trainer" and Im helping him with humility and patience.

MOM you and Dad too look soooo good!! Are you guys working out or dieting/ etc. I don't wanna sound weird but you guys just look good lol. 

How's your calling going ma?? Conference was sooo awesome!! Ya Elder uchtdorf and holland are the best dad!

By the way dad I'm getting your letters but they're a little longer cuz I have to go to the office but I still get them cuz the office is only about 20 mins away from me. My comp likes to rather do work tho.He thinks its breaking the rules if we're not reading the scrips or working literally every second of the day and I laid down the line for him in a very mature appropriate way so it's allll goood:) 

Hows the biz going too dad? I pray all the time for that!

MOM how's school and the temple for you? Is Kelsey still going with Suzy or at least by herself? By the way Suzy was asking if you guys ever needed anything so if you do let her know. She could babysit or something idk if you guys wanted:) Thanks for staying in contact with her at least every now and then that super cool of you guys and I really appreciate it.

SO we had a lot of teaching appts this week and more to come. Carri and Carrina aren't coming to church and I even bought Carri a jacket to leave in the morning but she doesn't come still. Whatever. 

I love you guys soo much!! It's crazy I've almost been gone for 4 months now... 2 more and I'll be calling you guys!! I'm super stoked for that!! 

I love you tons MOM....and Dad!! I'll write a story next week and thank you sooo much for praying for me!! I literally have to force myself sometimes to not think of you guys a lot cuz its had but at the same time I love it and they're only sweet thoughts! I love you tons!!

Con amor, su hijo magnefico,

Elder Kohler Chamberlain