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Monday, May 30, 2016

Absolute Best, until the END! Letters from May 22 and May 2

May 23, 2016

Hey Fam and Friends!

This week was kinda hard because I had been sick for basically all of it with a cold. It is way
y cold here now and the worst about it all is when the people say that its going to get A LOT colder. I
m like ahaha
 great! But no we
ve still been leaving except for one day where I was pretty down and  thought it would be better to get better so it wouldn
t get worse. I have just 4 weeks left so I've gotta get out there ya know? Perseverar hasta el Fin!!

Loyeda didn't come to church and we set up a time with her the last week and she wasn't there and its an hour plus walk and she lives in the middle of a tonnn of farm land because 
 Consulta is basically that haha. Soo it was a little sad and discouraging to be honest but LUCKILY there was a neighborhood that was pretty small but we went there and we got inside a house and got to teach them so it was most likely meant to be! It was really cool.

Also we found A LOT of new people this week that are all (to me at least) VERY good potentials to be baptized so  we
ve been planting a lot of good seeds. One of them is named Leonardo that just from today I think 5 days ago had his newborn child get blood cancer. We were talking to him and he started tearing up and we taught and testified about eternal families and how the Lord has a plan for ALL of us. He was on his way to Mendoza with his wife and baby for some doctor appointments so he couldn
t attend us in that moment but were going to visit him this next week along with several others! He also lives out wayy in the middle of nowhere but at least part of the way there is on a bus..:)

Anyway those are some things from this week here in La 
onsulta! I hope you all have an amazing week! Much love!!

Elder Chamberlain

May 30, 2016  

Hey fam and friends,

This week has been a very successful week for us wow!  We have found a lot more new and future investigators, we've been able to teach a lot of people that we haven't been able to contact for a while that really needed the help of God in their lives, plus we invited Loyeda to be baptized and she said YES and the date is for the 11th of June!! We're sooo excited! I've still been somewhat sick but The Lord has been helping me get over it and just leave the pench everyday because I only have just a couple more weeks left! I just want to thank all of you for the prayers for me and my investigators because I can testify that they've been answered. 

Also we've been working a lot more with the members and inviting them to pray and recognize the people the Lord has prepared for them to share the Gospel as well as to have the courage to do so. We've seen a lot more confidence from the members and are planning a fun activity for the branch and are hoping to bring the branch closer together.

Soo my comp and I have been getting along a lot better. We had a pretty serious talk after planning for the next day and it was kinda rough. I kept myself under control though and he kinda did too. But there were several comments I chose to not let offend me as much, at least not let them get to me. So I just ignored them and kept saying "the problem isn't the problem, it's how I'm going to respond to the the problem... that's the problem" and it's helped me. I've truly developed a brotherly love for him and have been serving him a lot--doing the dishes, just always not caring about whose turn it is, cleaning his study table, giving compliments, and I gave him a little mp3 player as a gift.  Then, this last Sunday, I woke up early and made him pancakes haha Argentine style!  But the Lord has been really helping me out from this and I feel I've learned a lot on how to get along with people and how to truly influence them for not just my benefit but for the both of us. It's been cool seeing how the Lord keeps on teaching these things right until the end. I feel that both the adversary and the Lord have been giving me trials for my experience and to see if I will fall.... but I won't fall!  I'm going ALL the way to the end so I can say to the Vintage Ranch Ward and more importantly, to my God someday, that I tried my absolute best until the end.

A quick cool story that happened this week. A way nice lady named Margarita lost her husband a while ago and she has kids who are members of the church however she's not a member. Her husband was a VERY strong Catholic apparently and she feels that by converting to our faith, she'd be leaving him. We explained after having lunch with her more thoroughly of how the family can be together forever and that her husband like it says in 1 Peter 3, is being preached the gospel. She was crying a lot and we promised her that if she listened to us and would make the decision to be baptized she could be sealed to her husband someday in the temple. It was a way cool experience but that's the short version.

Anyway I love you all soooo much!  I'm sooo grateful for this gospel and for all of you. I hope we can all stay strong in the faith and see all of us as one big family in the Celestial Kingdom. Much love!!

Elder Chamberlain

Valle de Uco

Monday, May 16, 2016

Love my Comp!

Hey everybody!

My companion is such an amazing guy just to start off! He's had a very rough past and has gotten into a bit of trouble but is a convert of a little less than 2 years or so and he has an amazing conversion. I'm soo glad President put me with him- he's been helping a lot to end my mission good which I've been really grateful for. I had been praying that I would receive a good companion to help me work hard 'till the very end and still have fun and enjoy these last few weeks of my mission and I feel like that prayer has been answered. So far out of ALL of my comps he has been the ONLY one to wake up with me consistently at 6:00am and workout with me haha! He's awesome!

This week we've been searching still for more and we had Loyeda from Bolivia come to church again with her baby! She's only 14 years old but she came again!  Even after the incident last sunday where a blood vessel or something popped in her baby's eye and everyone including her was kinda freaking out and we tried to calm her down and the other people.

Also we got to talk with a really cool family that are family members of members of the church. They loved the discussion. This man( Mauricio) has made me 2 "mate" (mah-tay) cups which were wayy cool! One is of cuero and I don't remember how to say that in English to be honest ahaha and the other has the flag of the US and Argentina with it saying "Mission Argentina Mendoza 2014-2016" which was pretty cool. But we had a good talk and we invited them to start praying together as a family and we really hope that they do it.  They're an awesome family!!

Anyway those are some things from this week I love you all soooo much!! Sorry I don't have much time :) Have an amazing week!!

Elder Chamberlain

Monday, May 9, 2016

Mother's Day in Valle de Uco

Hey everybody!!

Well first off to start Happy Mother's Day to all of those amazing mothers out there! You help us all soo much and like the mothers of the stripling warriors, you have taught us how to be strong in the faith and look unto Christ in ALL things. So thank you!:)

It was awesome being able to talk to you guys yesterday. I'm just having a hard time thinking its my last time that I'll get to do it. Am I really that old in the mission? Haha but no it made me more excited to see you guys but I'm really trying to start doing even better than I've been doing so I can finish with the gas tank on E ya know? I want to give every last ounce of effort I have so I can go back feeling good about myself without regrets. I just pray the Lord will continue to help me do just that these last 6 weeks.

This last week was a good one and we found a couple new people but one was an old couple that really liked what we had to say! They had some trouble paying attention to us though at times during the lesson but the hermana at the end did a closing prayer with the help of Elder Christensen so that was cool!

Also my companion Elder Christensen is leaving me to go to San Juan and I'm getting Elder Martinez who is from Chile! He'll be my first and last chileno comp because he'll be "killing me" this transfer haha. I really hope that we can work together good so I can finish the best I can running to the finish line. I'm always so grateful for the emails of you guys that help me endure and become a better missionary and person everyday here in Argentina. I love you all soo much for that!

I hope you all have an amazing week and can think of how Sister Levi told me recently, how to live covenant lives, not just convenient lives. Really good advice:) Much love!! Ciao!!

Elder Chamberlain

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Monday, May 2, 2016

Missionary Mama loves this Letter!

(This was a letter that made his mama's heart so happy!)

Hey everybody!!

Hey today was a really busy but super fun P-day for us so I have to make this quick because we have to go soon!  We lost Iris and her family because they moved so we'll be sending their info to other missionaries and they'll love it because we invited her to be baptized and she said yes sooo that was awesome!! I've been doing way good with the fact that my last area is going to have 4 very likely baptisms with people I had been working my whole time over there and other new families that the Lord has been putting in our path. (The photo is my last area and some of the boys we were teaching)
Inline image 1
It's been a week full of miracles so I have loved it!:)  Also we've been super blessed with several new people that we found this last week so it's been really good!  Other than that I'm going strong and helping my companion learn Spanish and he's been doing awesome!

Mom you look way beautiful in that photo-- seriously that's way cool!

Also PLEASE TELL TYLER THAT I AM SOOOO EXCITED FOR HIM WHOOOAAA!!!  Italy, Rome Mission???  Ahaha that's seriously sooo crazy!! He's going to love it there! When does he leave?? Do you think I'll be able to see him before I go?? 

Mom I always pray for you too every night and many times more during the day for many days. I have always felt YOUR prayers and often many times I've imagined your voice trying to comfort me for when times have been most hardest for me while being here. Thank you Ma :)

I have to go because we don't have a whole lot of time but you're the most amazing woman I know Mom. You're the best.  HEY this Sunday we get to talk to you guys!! I'm pretty sure it'll be between 12-3 pm YOUR time but during this week we're going to come in again and send you the more specific times so you'll know :)
Anyway much love ma!  You're the best and I don't know if there's anyone I love more, other than my Savior :) 

Talk to you THIS SUNDAY!! :)

Much love to you all! Talk to you soon!!

Elder Chamberlain