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Thursday, December 11, 2014

Early Christmas for Mom and Dad!

(After 3 months of NO pictures, it was like an early 
Christmas present to get 6 photos from Elder C. !!)

Dad, that is soo awesome what you and mom did at the Nativity Festival in Merced!! I'm soo proud of you guys!! And the fact that grandma and grandpa were in charge of the whole thing makes me even more proud!! I come from a VERY high class and awesome hardworking family!!

Oriana is the little girl on the left.  She is the one who will be baptized next week!

We had an awesome week dad! Lots of teaching and yesterday was the best! It was a struggle but it was soo awesome!! We're getting a little girl named Oriana ready to be baptized this next weekend and I'm probably gonna do it! This whole family is ready--- it's just the dad! I had a good serious talk with him just us with my comp listening in for a while and bore my testimony hardcore to him. He says he's tried to have a testimony before but didn't get one. I don't think he really tried. I told him that it can take a lifetime to gain a testimony of all the little small things in the Book of Mormon. Dad, this family is soo close to having the blessings of what we have! There's only children in the family and the parents so they can basically be sealed in the temple after they're baptized! (with one year membership too ya -but still it's close!)

Man there's way too many dogs here too. I was in a members house too this week and they have a german shepherd and it literally bit my hand. "Bit" doesn't sound bad but it hurt for sure haha. He was all barking and I don't know why but I thought I could get his trust.  So, I took a piece of bread from off the table and tried to give it to him, and then literally, he just bites my hand. He doesnt even go for the bread just bites my hand. Freakin dog I was about to hit that mug! LOL I'm obviously good but ya ... didn't like it. 

Dad, I'm in such good shape! Burpees and I've actually been using a pull up bar too! It's one of the ones where you twist into the wall but it can be scary cuz sometimes I've fallen so I've always got my feet pointed at the ground. I look weird when I do it but I'm not falling like that ever again haha.
Some members of our ward and some less-actives.

Some very humble members of our ward having an Asado!


Hey I'm going to use my comps camera and I'm in another area right now in a members house so it's a different computer! I don't have my camera but I have my comps so we're gonna see!!

Love you all and I'll tell you when I get the packages!! I got several letters from you guys! One with some awesome drawings!! Love you guys!!!

Elder Kohler Chamberlain

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