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Monday, July 6, 2015

4th of July Fun!

Hey Ma!

Yes I officially have one year in the mission and it’s crazy!!

I hope you got some pics on the 4th of July! They were taken when we were eating wings.  We also had a lemon pie that Elder Muhlstein made! Two hungry little kids came in and were just staring at the food so we shared with them.  I felt super good sharing with them and making that sacrifice because it is beyond my favorite food...annnd I’m in Argentina haha so it’s not easy to find good food like that!

Wow Cancun!  I’m soo glad you guys had fun! I can imagine ya the drinking and all.. I heard at those mayan tours Mom that you can get mormon led tours that relate to symbols and things in the Book of Mormon. Apparently there’s a place where the tree of life is engraved! I don’t know if you heard about that but there’s a missionary from here and he told me there are a lot of members there and he has family members that do those tours! Most of the tour guides are members and Keaton told me that  cuz his comp is from there!  Tell me if you heard anything about that. That would be cool!

We made the best BBQ wings for the 4th of July!

 I heard about President Packer dying.  It’s really sad but also happy because he lived a great life.  Also it is super sad that the United States has completely legalized gay marriage. The church has issued an official statement to be read in all meetings very soon and we’ve actually already read it. We are NOT of the world. The laws of man surely do not change the laws of God. People here think that God is man and woman because He had His son Jesus Christ and all of us without a woman. The scriptures do not mention a heavenly Mother at all, only that God would not command us to do something if He were not to keep it himself. Man is not created with man but with a woman. It is not of God. People need to read in Genesis how God created the woman for the man and commanded them to replenish and multiply the earth. For this reason woman was created. Not 2 men.

Anyway if anybody asks you about why does the church not support gay rights tell them that...

I love you soo much Ma!! You’re the best!!

Love your son and best friend,

Elder Chamberlain

Hey Dad!

Hey I loved your letter last week! I’m so sorry I didn’t respond. I had a pretty crazy week.
This week was good! We had an investigator come to church! Her name is Lumilla and her parents are really abusive is what we’ve heard from a ward family that brought her to church. She’s about 10 or so? Anyway we’re going to see what we can do and help her out the best we can. Hopefully we can help her parents to not do whatever they’re doing because abusive can be several things as I’ve seen here in the mish before.

I’ve received several letters from you while at work dad! Thank you sooo much! You have grown soo much. I can hear it as you type. You just get it. You’re sooo hungry for success and it will only keep coming:)

I love you soo much dad thank you for everything!

Love your son,

Elder Chamberlain

This isn't my book but look what our schedule was like on the 4th of July!  President let us have the afternoon off :)

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